Monday, November 5, 2007

Fed Ex

I was watching an old Fed Ex commercial from the Super Bowl the other day and it was set back when there were cavemen. It showed a caveman attaching a package to a flying dinosaur and telling him where to take it and all of a sudden a trinosaursrex comes out of no where and eats the flying dinosaur. The caveman goes back to his boss and says the package didn't make it and the boss asked if he used FedEx and the caveman said that FedEx doesn't exist yet, and the boss said that wasn't his problem and fired him. I thought the commercial was a great idea although you would never know it was a FedEx commercial until the very end when they said it. The problem here is, you are not thinking FedEx the whole time so you forget what the commercial is about. I believe in Brand Awareness. If you have a 20 second commercial, take that 20 seconds and drill your brand into people's head.

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Dana said...

I agree. The whole commercial you are wondering who it is that is advertising and you miss the point. As soon as the next commercial comes on you have forgotten about it. Brand awareness aside, I thought the commercial did a good job of differentiating itself from its competitors.
